I caught this Longnose Gar on May 28th, 2004. It's the biggest one I've gotten all the way in the boat so far. At this point in time I didn’t fully realize just how sharp a Longnose Gars scales are. While I held it up for Timmy to take a picture it suddenly started thrashing and carved a nice cut into my little finger and the rest of them too. Now, I use two gloves on the bigger ones. You see, Longnose Gar have large very thick scales on them. Each one is like a thick layer of enamel with a sharp edge on it. It's no wonder that this fish has survived for some many years. I really doesn’t have any natural enemies except for man. Here's a picture of another whopper Timmy caught about 30 minutes later. They are very hard to hold with these leather gloves. We've got to find a better glove.